دعای فرج به زبان انگلیسی O Allah, bless Muhammad and the family of Muhammad. O Allah, be, for Your representative, the Hujjat (proof), son of AlHasan, Your blessings be on him and his forefathers, in this hour and in every hour, a guardian, a protector, a leader, a helper, a proof, and an eye. until You make him live on the earth, in obedience (to You), and cause him to live in it for a long time. O One who directs all the affairs, O One who will raise those who are in the graves, O One who makes the rivers flow, O One who softened the iron for Dawood, Bless Muhammad and the family of Muhammad, and do for me . . . (ask for your wishes), in this night, this night موضوع مطلب : چهارشنبه 90 دی 14 :: 6:51 صبح :: نویسنده : زهره امی زاده آخرین مطالب آرشیو وبلاگ پیوندها لوگو آمار وبلاگ بازدید امروز: 19
بازدید دیروز: 3
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